Yard Sale Report for 5/30/12 plus a few other weeks…

I have always believed that life is full of extraordinary coincidences and small miracles. They surround us in a series of bright moments that mostly pass by unseen and un-noticed, it’s like walking through a forest filled with magic and wonder, while most of the time we only watch the path and the foot prints … Continue reading

My Sainted Mother and her Cosmic One-Upmanship

  My Sainted Mother always seemed to be one step ahead of the rest of us. Once, when being interviewed for The Sacramento Bee on her new position as Chairman for the California Arts Council, the reporter asked her what her qualifications were and she replied, “I may not know much about art, but I … Continue reading

On Bullies and Hookers… It gets better.

As a child… I was awkward in my skin. I was tall and skinny and my imagination was rampant. I dug through bins at the Goodwill with my mother and came up with wild costumes and eccentric devises that filled my closet and fed my dreams. There were antique Swallow Tail coats and collapsible silk top … Continue reading

The Best Seat in the House!

I lived in Japan for many years… Well, for 6 years anyway. Now that I look back on my life, that doesn’t seem so long relatively, but at the time it often seemed like an eternity. Like most foreigners, I taught English to impressionable young Japanese students, drilling them on their use of the letters … Continue reading