Yard Sale Report from 07/14/12 plus the Widower and the Catholic

It was an interesting weekend at the yard sales. The weather was excellent and the people were friendly and engaged. There were literally hundreds of sales going on and the competition was spread a bit thin, which is not so great for the sellers, but can be killer for the buyers. The juncture of good … Continue reading

Life Lessons Learned from my Mother

Mother, in her depth of wisdom taught all of us many things. She taught us never to put the milk carton on the dining room table. She taught us dinner was better by candlelight with family gathered around. We used to call it, coming over for shouting and dessert. Everyone bursting with stories and opinions … Continue reading

My Sainted Mother and her Cosmic One-Upmanship

  My Sainted Mother always seemed to be one step ahead of the rest of us. Once, when being interviewed for The Sacramento Bee on her new position as Chairman for the California Arts Council, the reporter asked her what her qualifications were and she replied, “I may not know much about art, but I … Continue reading

It is a fearful thing to love what death can touch.

My parents had a motto in their later years that went, It is a fearful thing to love what death can touch. My father explained it to me by saying that to love someone deeply meant that sooner or later there would be profound pain from loss. He also said that it was that loving … Continue reading